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What is a WLI or Weight Loss Index?

Its also referred to as BMI


WELCOME TO OUR FREE Body mass index weight loss index page!

Your BMI is an actual scientific measure. It is a great way to watch your weight loss progress. Use the calculator below every day throughout your weightloss regimen and figure out how fast you are losing weight. It uses your height and weight. You can calculate your BMI by dividing your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters. Otherwise, the formula for BMI is:

BMI = Kg / (m)2

But there is no need to use this mathematical expression because you can figure out you’re BMI every day using the FREE tool below!

You can find your weight loss index with the BMI calculator below!:


Please activate Javascript in your browser. Without javascript you can not calculate the BMI.

// You can change the values of object “bmi”
var bmi = {
font : “Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif”,
title : “Body Mass Index Calculator 3D”,
color : [“#000000″,”#000000″], // Title, Links
bgimage : “http://www.bmi-club.com/images/skin/green/bg.png”,
measure : 1, // 0=metric system / 1=american system (feets, inches & pounds)
prude : 0, //
decimal : “.”, // “,” or “.”
small : 0, // 0: width=468 pixel / 1: width=350 pixel
rendertext: [“Male”,”Female”,”Fat”,”Normal”,”Ripped”,”Sorry, no 3D view for this BMI (yet).”,”Nude”], // male,female,fat,normal,muscle,norender,nude
textcolor : [“#000000″,”#000000″,”#000000″], // sexradio,fatradio,norender
size : {
range : [“4’0″,”7’0″,”0’3″,”5’11”], // min,max,step,start
slider : [“http://www.bmi-club.com/images/skin/green/scroll.png”,”http://www.bmi-club.com/images/skin/green/1.png”,”http://www.bmi-club.com/images/skin/green/3.png”,”http://www.bmi-club.com/images/skin/green/2.png”], // background,button,button clicked,button out of range
text : [“Height”], // label
textcolor : [“#000000″,”#000000″], // text,slider
field : [“#000000″,”#ffffff”,”#a1c796″] // color,bgcolor,bordercolor
weight : {
range : [90,350,20,150], // min,max,step,start
slider : [“http://www.bmi-club.com/images/skin/green/scroll.png”,”http://www.bmi-club.com/images/skin/green/1.png”,”http://www.bmi-club.com/images/skin/green/3.png”,”http://www.bmi-club.com/images/skin/green/2.png”], // background,button,button clicked,button out of range
text : [“Weight”], // label
textcolor : [“#000000″,”#000000″], // text,slider
field : [“#000000″,”#ffffff”,”#a1c796″] // color,bgcolor,bordercolor
bmi : {
range : [18,36,1,22], // min,max,step,start ()
slider : [“http://www.bmi-club.com/images/skin/green/scroll.png”,”http://www.bmi-club.com/images/skin/green/1.png”,”http://www.bmi-club.com/images/skin/green/3.png”,”http://www.bmi-club.com/images/skin/green/2.png”], // background,button,button clicked,button out of range
text : [“BMI”], // label
textcolor : [“#000000″,”#000000″], // text,slider
field : [“#000000″,”#ffffff”,”#a1c796″] // color,bgcolor,bordercolor
// Do not change the lines below

The Body Mass Index is determined with the formula body weight divided by height in meter to square. To make it easy for visitor of your web page to calculate the BMI, use the BMI Script/BMI-Club in your website . Please take also a look at Waist-Hip-Ratio.
Thank you for using the Body Mass Index calculator of BMI-Club.

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